Gang of Four - Solid Gold 180g
Gang Of Four
Solid Gold
180g Reissue of Classic 1981 album
Formed in 1977 by Leeds University students, Gang of Four produced some of the most exhilarating and lasting music of the early English post-punk era of 1978-1983. Fueled by the fury of punk rock and radical political theory, Gang of Four successfully welded the two in an inspired display of polemics and music that addressed the vagaries of life in the modern world (including love and romance) as matters of political inquiry. What made Gang of Four's polemical
clang'n'roll so compelling was that it worked as harsh, bracing, and ultimately liberating rock & roll. With Allen and Burnham combining as a formidable and frequently very funky rhythm section, Gill didn't play guitar as much as emit thick wads of semi-tuneful distortion, while King "sang" in a dry, declamatory fashion similar to that of the Fall's Mark E. Smith. They have always remained, to the ears of those opened wide by punk rock, an extremely important band.
What We All Want
Why Theory?
If I Could Keep it For Myself
Outside the Trains Don't Run on Time
The Republic
In the Ditch
A Gold in the Wallet
He's Send in the Army