Bruce Haack - Dance Sing and Listen Again! w/ Miss Nelson
Bruce Haack (Miss Nelson & Bruce)
Dance Sing and Listen Again!
Honey Pie 066 - re-issue LP
One of a series of children's albums designed as a total experience exposing the child to coltrolled body movement, providing a stimulus for imagination and creativity, and presenting a wide range of thought, music and sound from things medieval through today's electronics. Nothing like this has ever existed before!
Bruce Haack played all the instruments you hear on this recording - as well as composing the music and engineering the sound. Bruce is a Canadian composer whose music has won recognition in every conceivable form - Symphonic, Films, Ballet, Broadway and Off-broadway, Theater, Commercials and Recordings. As inventor of most unusual electronic musical instruments, Bruce Haack has appeared often on network television. He obtained his degree in Psychology from the University of Alberta, Canada.
Esther Nelson (who received her master's degree in dance education from New York University) has become a leading figure in creative dance, and dance education for children. The electricity of her personality coupled with her love for children gives her a unique magic which inspires even the least creative child to dance. Included among schools for which Miss Nelson has created successful dance programs are; The Knollwood School for Children, Temple Isreal of New Rochelle, The Fieldston (Ethical Culture) School Arts Center, and Scardsale Dance Inc.
Track Listing:
Silent Movies
Children's Hoe-Down
More Medieval Music
Coco Remembers
Jelly Dancers
What Can She Be